MUG RUG – The fastest gift on a long arm!
It’s the holidays and sometimes you need a quick gift. Why not let your long arm do it for you? Today, I am going to show you how to make a gorgeous mug rug right on the long arm in no time! With the use of my templates, the long arm does all the hard work for you. These are super fast to make and you can make multiple mug rugs at the same time. The video shows the details for making one, and the details needed to make a second at the same time. They were done with the same base template that can be downloaded below as well.
The supply list is to make 2 mug rugs using my templates.
1/3 yard fabric for the Top and Back
1/2 yard fabric for the “backing”. This piece will be loaded onto the machine to quilt on and will end up being inside the mug rug.
14” x 24” piece of 100% Cotton Batting
Cut your top/back fabric into 2 pieces approx. (12”X21”). One of these will be the top and the other will be the back.
Load the “backing” fabric onto the frame.
Lay your batting on the frame and stitch a plumb line across the top. Load your top fabric with the plumb line, keeping everything straight on the frame. Baste the top fabric down on at least three sides.
Bring in the designs Mug Rug 1 and Mug Rug 2 (downloadable below). Line up these designs so they nest, with Mug Rug 2 design 1/4” outside of Mug Rug 1. The video shows how to line up the two templates properly.
Duplicate your Mug Rug 1 and Mug Rug 2 designs, so you have two copies of each, and they are next to each other (see video). Make sure you have at least 3/8th inch between the two.
Stitch out ONLY the Mug Rug 1 designs.
Choose designs to insert into the template areas, which measure 4”x6” and 6”x6”. Stitch out your designs.
Lay the backing on top of the top fabric right sides together, making sure that the backing fabric covers all stitching lines by at least ½ inch.
*Note: you can baste down the backing fabric or you can just lay it on top and stitch.
Stitch ONLY the Mug Rug 2 designs, which will leave a 2 inch gap to turn out the mug rugs.
Take the mug rugs off the frame and trim around all the edges. I like to trim with a 3/8 inch around all the sides. Trim the corners to reduce bulk.
Turn out and press, turning the extra fabric at the opening to the inside.
Top stitch at your domestic machine. The design was created so you can stitch right on the outline of the Mug Rug 1 design.
Congratulations, you have completed your mug rug!
Thanks for coming by today and remember….
Mug Rug files in multiple formats. You will need to unzip the files after downloading.